Exodus 12

Ho Kar Hui Shirley (何嘉慧 )

Passover & Passover of the year 


Acrylic on woodblock

Scripture reference: Exodus 12: 7, 13

The very first Passover refers to God preserving the Hebrews in Egypt by instructing them to put the blood of lamb (symbol of Jesus Christ as the sacrifice for man’s sins) on the top and both sides of the doorframes, and to stay indoors so that the destroyer would pass over the households when he saw the blood, and not harm them.  Coincidentally, Chinese down the history have also practised placing red couplets written with auspicious blessings over their doorframes to keep off evil spirits, and to celebrate the Pass-over of the “Year” (‘Nian’, , supposedly a legendary beast)…


The word “Lamb” (‘Yang’, ) appears in many Chinese characters related to peace, kindness, beauty, image, righteousness..., which may well suggest the sacrificial lamb of God – Jesus.  God’s still small voice indeed transcends time, space and cultures to proclaim His Shalom in this turbulent world…